They say photography is simply a tool to share with others the beauty we see in the world of form. I’m not sure who “they” are, but I think they’re onto something. I’ve always had a deep love for nature…being awestruck by it, experiencing its sublimity, and learning from it. As a teen, I began exploring the deserts and mountains of Arizona as much as I could. Wanting to share the magnificent scenes I was seeing with friends and family, I acquired a point and shoot camera. This led to disappointment, however, as those pictures never did justice to what I had witnessed. But I had seen plenty of amazing nature photos, so I knew it was possible! I began to educate myself and eventually picked up my first DSLR.

The hobby evolved into a passion. All the while, I worked at a software company that I loved. I realized though, that there is a big difference between having a job that I love, and living my passion. In 2022 I made the leap! I recognized that as tough as it must be to make a living as a landscape photographer, it was the right thing for me to do.

My mission is this: to share the wonder of this planet we call home, always continue learning and pushing myself to become the best I can be, and educating and helping others to improve their own photography. In doing so I hope to encourage people to connect with nature in new ways, and to inspire people to build their own dreams, whatever they may be.